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Down by the River Festival 06/01/2024
Facts and figures about Down by the River Festival: from arrival to daysaver ticket you can find all information about program/lineup, camping site, approaching tips or other visitor information here.
Any Down by the River Festival date in our database
2023 2024
Das DOWN BY THE RIVER FESTIVAL ist wieder da! Knapp fünf Jahre seit der letzten Präsenz-Ausgabe feiert das kleine, feine Berliner Indie-Innenstadt-Open-Air am 3. Juni sein Comeback im Zaubergarten des ://about blank am Ostkreuz. Auf zwei Outdoor-Bühnen entfalten acht Bands und Solo-Artists ein Spannungsfeld zwischen Pop-Lust und Experimentierwahn, Gitarre und Laptop, Abriss und versonnenem Kopfnicken. Der Sommer steht vor der Tür, die Genretüren stehen sperrangelweit offen und der musikalische Underground der Hauptstadt tanzt vorneweg.
The magic is back. Follow us into the garden!
Präsentiert von taz, Jungle World, ByteFM, Digital in Berlin, KAPUT, amSTARt & Fourtrack on Stage
When does the "Down by the River Festival 2024" take place?
- Date: 06/01/2024
- Duration: 1 day
- Start: 106 days ago
Buy tickets for "Down by the River Festival 2024"
- Festival ticket (s.f.): ca. € 19.00
- Daysaver ticket (s.f.): No daysaver tickets (it's only one day)
- Ticket shop: External link
Where does the "Down by the River Festival" take place?
- City: 10245 Berlin
- State: Berlin
- Country: Germany
Event venue
Do I need an umbrella and a grill?
- Where: outdoor
- Site: ://about blank
- Camping: no
Lineup "Down by the River Festival" 2024
- Artist amount (Grouping): 0-10
- Artists: no data
How do I get to the "Down by the River Festival"?
- Get a ride: no data
- Approach: Bahnhof Ostkreuz (S-Bahn/Regionalbahn) in Laufweite
Some numbers
Foundation, categorization and visitor number of the "Down by the River Festival 2024"
- Category: Mixed festivals
- Genres: Electro, Folk, Jazz, Pop, Punk, Rock, Other
- Foundation: 2009
- Festival edition: #13
- Visitors: 500
Further information
- Website: External link
- Facebook event: no data
- Published by: Robert
- Festival stuff: Have a look at EMP sale!
Down by the River Festival Statistics
Please note, the data on this page may differ to the real event promoter data. Please get the current data of the event of the promoters website. We are trying to keep our data up-to-date.
The data is wrong or incomplete? Let us know!